Condition - means:
Excellent: As good as when the item was new; little or no evidence of wear. (Do note that in our high-resolution photos you will be able to see minor irregularities or very light scratches which are completely invisible to the naked eye.)
Very Good: Some small marks/scratches visible if examined carefully, but no serious wear.
Good: We may at times offer some vintage items which have significant wear, small dents/marks, or slightly mis-matched stones, but which are still very wearable and acceptable for an older piece.
Fair: Currently we do not sell items in condition less than Good online. We occasionally offer jewellery in less good condition, if better examples are not available, in our shop. This gives the customer the chance to see the piece before purchase, and decide if they are still interested.
You are always welcome to phone or e-mail us for a more detailed report on the condition of a specific item.
Replacement Value, means:
It’s what a similar item might cost to buy brand new, in a UK High Street jewellery shop.
We estimate this the same way we would do a valuation of a customer’s item for insurance replacement, taking into account the quality and cost price of the metal and stones, then applying a suitable retail mark-up.
Any assessment made of the gemstones, including diamonds cannot be totally accurate while the stones are mounted, so it is simply our best estimate using our many years of experience and knowledge of the jewellery trade.
Sizes – as quoted on this website:
Ring sizes are measured on a standard Wheatsheaf ring stick, to the leading (i.e. lower) edge in all cases. We round down to the nearest half size as necessary. We use UK ring sizes, you can find a conversion chart here.
Do note that for rings with a wider shank e.g. buckle rings, and most wedding bands, you will probably need at least half a size bigger than with a narrow shank ring, possibly one or even one-and-a-half sizes bigger if it is really wide…
Chain and bracelet sizes are measured to include the clasps and end links. We round down to the nearest half inch for bracelets, and the nearest inch for necklaces and chains.
Minimum length suitable for most men is 18 inches - 20 inch and upwards may be better for those of bigger build.
If you want a chain to fit straight over your head without having to undo the clasp, 24 inch is the minimum suitable length.
Price Reductions:
We are keen to give you the best possible deal, all items were originally on sale at the full price, but in some cases may not have been on sale for 28 days at the original price